Sabertooth Longhorn Beetle - Macrodontia cervicornis

The sabertooth longhorn beetle is one of the largest beetles in the world, found in the rainforets of South America. Most of its life is spent in larval form, which can last up to ten years, while adults only live for a few months. The female will lay her eggs under the bark of dead or dying softwood trees. When the larvae hatch they burrow into the tree where they live.

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Spanish Moon Moth - Graellsia isabellae

The Spanish Moon Moth is often referred to as Europe's most beautiful insect. The Moth is a rare and protected mountain species found in Central Spain, The Pyrenees and some alpine regions of France. It is one of the few moth species that enjoys a protected status; protected under Catalan law since 1993, and protected by the European Bern Convention, the EU ‘Habitats’ Directive and the CITES Convention.

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Giant African Swallowtail - Papilio antimachus

Africas largest butterfly may also be the most toxic butterfly.

The Giant African Swallowtail has a wingspan of up to 9.8 inches and is among the largest butterflies in the world. Living in the tropical rainforests of Central Africa they're often seen in groups feeding on nectar. The butterflies have no known enemies because they are extremely toxic.

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Fruit Piercing Moth - Eudocima sp.

The fruit piercing moth is considered one of the biggest fruit pests in the world. It is found in large parts of the tropics, mainly in Asia, Africa and Australia but introduced into other areas such as Hawaii, New Zealand and the Society Islands.

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The Luna Moth - Actias luna

The Luna moth or American Moon Moth, Actias luna, is only found in the Americas. There has been concern that light pollution from man-made sources, like street lights, may deter silk moths from mating. Luna moths, once very common, are now being threatened in some areas due to habitat loss.

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